David Macias
2010-03-07 10:28:40 UTC
test for "top-posting"
... coming from Ticket 133 "API_FPU_CW_Wrappers.h errors"We have our firsts Harbour+os2gcc442+hbqt+qt461 applications running, but with
errors still
Many crashes with "Killed by SIGSEGV"
Tests were made with
Harbour 14019
os2Qt461 r598
Responses of Pritpal Bedi, our main hbqt* contribs developer suggested problems
in os2qt461, for example:
It appears QDialog() class is also broken in OS2 builds.
It is also a very important class like QWidget and MUST behave
properly. I cannot figure out what is the issue. Please
experiment as
qMsgBox := QMessageBox():new( qMainWindow )
---------------------It is also a very important class like QWidget and MUST behave
properly. I cannot figure out what is the issue. Please
experiment as
qMsgBox := QMessageBox():new( qMainWindow )
so in this test both crashes are within MsgInfo() function trying to
clean/discard oMB object
And the destruction by GC is not what Qt likes.clean/discard oMB object
It has its own "scopes" which interferes with Harbour's.
I am struggling with this phenomena most of the time
than development.
and made many changes in general (for all OS):
Yes. But the time you sent message I had changed the
hbIDE code a lot which denied me to reach a logical conclusion.
I will commit a big change within a day, so please make tests
after that.
---------------------hbIDE code a lot which denied me to reach a logical conclusion.
I will commit a big change within a day, so please make tests
after that.
I tested with newer Harbour:
Harbour 14058
os2Qt461 r598
and Priptal responses to results are oriented again for likely problems in
os2qt461. Below are included Pritpal response with talks about three
specific cases
To be sure I made a fresh checkout and build of os2qt461 r642
Harbour 14058
os2Qt461 r642
and tests show exactly same errors
So as tests were made with newer Harbour+os2Qt461, is time to report to
"Netlabs" as Priptal requested me :-)
Suggestions for tests ?
David Macias
* $Id: ChangeLog 14058 2010-03-04 18:43:51Z druzus $
2010-03-04 19:43 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
so we have a newer Harbour and same os2Qt461
MsgInfo( "Testing" )
result exactly same problem reported before
demoqt.prg:127:MAIN(): HB_TR_ALWAYS
demoqt.prg:128:MAIN(): HB_TR_ALWAYS -----------------b-----------------
Exception c0000005 at address 0x1de369ca
Releasing the qObjects - in this case - QDialog -2010-03-04 19:43 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
so we have a newer Harbour and same os2Qt461
MsgInfo( "Testing" )
result exactly same problem reported before
demoqt.prg:127:MAIN(): HB_TR_ALWAYS
demoqt.prg:128:MAIN(): HB_TR_ALWAYS -----------------b-----------------
Exception c0000005 at address 0x1de369ca
is completely broken or is implemented in different way
in OS Qt. We need to ask netlabs.
MsgInfo( "Testing" )
result exactly same problem reported before
Called from QT_QWIDGET_RESIZE(0)
Called from QMAINWINDOW:RESIZE(0) in ../../../TQWidget.prg
Called from QT_QWIDGET_RESIZE(0)
Called from QMAINWINDOW:RESIZE(0) in ../../../TQWidget.prg
Called from MAIN(141) in demoqt.prg
This is something strange and I do not have a clue.result exactly same problem reported before
Called from QT_QWIDGET_RESIZE(0)
Called from QMAINWINDOW:RESIZE(0) in ../../../TQWidget.prg
Called from QT_QWIDGET_RESIZE(0)
Called from QMAINWINDOW:RESIZE(0) in ../../../TQWidget.prg
Called from MAIN(141) in demoqt.prg
:resize is the basic method of QWidget and is used extensively.
I have changed the order of QWidget:resize() in QWidget.qth
to make it compatible to Harbour calling convention
but QT_QWIDGET_RESIZE(0) call the underlying function
correctly. Again we need to ask netlabs.
hbide project
New failure
When run, show logo, build window with content and CRASH in 5 seconds
without human intervention. Tested many times and same behaviour
Something changed in hbqt*, hbide. With 13976 was running with some
failures, but do not crash in 5 seconds
Initial window size is different in both versions
Called from HBIDE:CREATE(467) in hbide.prg
Called from MAIN(117) in hbide.prg
This is again the problem with destroying Qt object,=============
New failure
When run, show logo, build window with content and CRASH in 5 seconds
without human intervention. Tested many times and same behaviour
Something changed in hbqt*, hbide. With 13976 was running with some
failures, but do not crash in 5 seconds
Initial window size is different in both versions
Called from HBIDE:CREATE(467) in hbide.prg
Called from MAIN(117) in hbide.prg
in this case qSplash ( qSplash := NIL ). So 1st and 3rd
suggest that OS Qt use other way of destroying the objects
than Qt Windows or Qt *nixes.